Torque streamlines DeFi by connecting savers with cutting-edge financial opportunities.

Torque Finance

introducing the

Wealth Generator

Wealth Generator

Generate passive wealth via automated saving strategies while maintaining ownership of your digital assets.

Torque is a liquidity hub leveraging smart contracts to optimize your savings.


Save like a billionaire

Maximize the productivity of your assets & reach financial goals faster than you've ever thought was possible.


Reach your saving goals faster than ever before

Save like never before

Maximize the productivity of your assets & reach financial goals faster than you've ever thought possible.

Borrowing against & lending the most popular assets on the blockchain has never been this accessible. Get started.

Torque Bounty


Pre-defined, strategic routes send assets across DeFi in a single txn

Torque Github


Explore Torque's code & build new, exciting ecosystem applications

Torque Security


Gain liquidity via credit & earn yield without the intervention of custody.

Torque Github


Unified saving experience built on the leading decentralized finance tech

©[Year] Torque Inc.

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